GIWEH Water Award 2010
H.E Myung-Pil Shin, Minister at the Office of National River Restoration & Dr. Nidal SALIM, Director of GIWEH

Title: “Green Growth and Water: Learning and Leading”

Where: World Water Day, United Nations Environment Program Office- Geneva (UNEP),  Switzerland

When: March 22nd, 2010


South Korea, for adopting Green Growth in their stimulus package to help alleviate their financial crisis, and for the Four Rivers Restoration Project

South Korea: Republic of Korea’s $30.7 billion green stimulus package is one of the G-20’s most significant. This stimulus package is comprised of a mix of financial, fiscal, and taxation policies, to be implemented from 2009-2012. About 80% of the total stimulus package was allocated to environmental themes such as water and waste management. The stimulus is expected to create jobs in green industries and develop large infrastructure projects such as the Four Rivers Restoration Project. This project is expected to help resolve issues related to floods and water scarcity, contribute to the restoration of the river ecosystem, increase the quality of cultural and leisure activities and lives, as well as revitalize local economies and promote green growth projects.


Korea waste water technology
The Korean project
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