The UN 2023 Water Conference – formally known as the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028) – was held at UN Headquarters in New York, 22-24 March 2023, co-hosted by Tajikistan and the Netherlands.
GIWEH team has been actively participated at the UN 2023 Water Conference. Presented by Dr. Nidal SALIM, Dr. Dietrich Bartlet and Dr. Tobias Schmidt, GIWEH had the opportunity to present many topics including Water for cooperation, Social justice and Water Technology. They participated in General debates, side events, Indonesia reception and introduction to the 10th World Water forum and other activities.
GIWEH held two side events titled as:
- Water for Cooperation: Transboundary and International Water Cooperation, Cross Sectoral Cooperation, including Scientific Cooperation, and Water Across the 2030 Agenda (SDG 6.5, 6.b and SDGs 16, 17)
- Water for cooperation: Cross Sectoral Cooperation in The South Caucasus at the UN Headquarter – New York
The second side Event held at New York Marriott Marquis Times Square New York, titled as
- Water and climate change: preventive measures and adaptation - Climate Change Risks in Asia come down to “Water”.
The UN Water Conference 2023 marks a new awareness for the urgency of considering water security as essential to the survival of our planet.