During the last 20 years, Dr. Qahman built broad professional experience as an infrastructure planner, project manager, and senior advisor in water resources and civil/environmental management projects. As team leader, Mr. Qahman worked on numerous engineering, water resources management, and environmentally-related assignments. Dr. Qahman also works (part-time) as an Assistant Professor in Water and Environment at Alquds University, Al Azhar University, and Gaza Islamic University (Master study programs). Dr. Qahman also works as a Senior Consultant at Engineering & Management Consulting Centers. He has carried out several studies and research projects in the field of Water and Environment. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Birzeit University, Palestine, a master's degree in Hydrological Engineering from the IHE-Delft University, the Netherlands and a PhD degree in Civil Engineering from Mohamadia School of Engineers (EMI)-Mohammad V University, Rabat, Morocco.