As an active participant in the 7th World Water Forum held in Daegu & Gyeongbuk, South Korea from April 12th –17th, 2015, GIWEH made contributions to several events.
• GIWEH became a signatory to the Principles of Water Governance within the OECD’s Water Governance Initiative.
The 12 Principles are based on:
Multi-level governance, managing water at the right scale, policy coherence, capacity, data and information, governance-financing nexus, regulatory frameworks, governance and innovation, integrity and transparency, stakeholder engagement, equity across users, people, and places, and monitoring and evaluation.
• At the Swiss booth, themed High Quality Swiss Solutions, GIWEH made a presentation on “Post 2015: A Monitoring Framework in Water Scarce Regions.” It was an interactive session and led to Dr. Nidal Salim discussing potential cooperation for GIWEH with various stakeholders.
• GIWEH was invited to the Water Business Forum and became a signatory to the Declaration of the World Water Business Partnership.
• GIWEH’s Post-2015 Vision will be part of the Water Industry’s Overseas Future Plan, which was initiated during the WWF, to facilitate technology transfer and enable the building of public private partnerships for the Monitoring Framework.
• At the Swiss Water Partnership’s session on “Getting Research into Policy and Practice,” Dr Nidal Salim presented a case study on “Bridging the Gap Between Researchers and Policymakers” with a focus on the Middle East.
• GIWEH held several meetings with stakeholders such as businesses within the private sector and government ministers to discuss future cooperation. The subjects included making information available, using the media, informing and educating stakeholders, the role of fundraising agencies, and learning from good practices.