This month, Dr. Tobias Schmitz visited Tunisia. This was GIWEH’s third visit to the country this year. Following Dr. Nidal Salim’s consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, GIWEH agreed to provide support in integrating interventions in the agriculture and water sectors. Tunisia is a water scarce country, and agriculture accounts for almost 80% of its water utilization. Therefore, increased water efficiency in the agricultural sector would be of great value to the country. A key in the national strategy for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is the reduction of water demand, and Agricultural Water User Associations in Tunisia, known as Groupements de Développement Agricoles (GDAs), can play an important role in this. GIWEH would like to strengthen the knowledge base and capacity within the GDAs. This month’s discussions has taken place with, amongst others, the Swiss Development Cooperation Agency, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, on the feasibility of establishing a Centre for Water Education in Tunisia. Dr Schmitz conducted these discussions and explored some of the existing water management training initiatives in the country.